Unit 5 (Classes and Objects)
AP Computer Science 2021-22 / Dr. Kessner




Write a Person class that includes the following:

  • private member variables for name (String) and number of pets (int)
  • public constructor taking name and number of pets as input
  • public accessor functions for name and number of pets
  • public member function greeting that returns a String: “Hello, my name is (name) and I have (numberOfPets) pets.”

Also write a TestPerson class that instantiates some Person objects and demonstrates that the functions are working properly.


Write a ScoreKeeper class that includes the following:

  • private member variable to keep track of the score (initialized to 0)
  • public accessor function for the score
  • public method scoreNormal() that adds 100 to the score
  • public method scoreBonus() that adds 1000 to the score

Write a TestScoreKeeper class that instantiates a ScoreKeeper object and tests its functions.

Magic Eight Ball

Write a MagicEightBall class that includes the following:

  • private final String member variables to hold the possible replies (if you don’t remember what final means, look it up again)
  • public member function ask() that takes a single string as input, ignores it, and returns a string randomly from the possible replies

Write a TestMagicEightBall class that instantiates a MagicEightBall object and asks it some important questions.


Write a Rectangle class that includes the following:

  • private double member variables for base and height
  • public constructor with base and height as inputs
  • public accessor functions for base and height
  • public member function to return the area of the rectangle
  • public member function to return the perimeter of the rectangle
  • public member function to return the length of a diagonal of the rectangle

Be sure to include a test class to demonstrate that your Rectangle class functions all work properly.

Bonus Challenge: Vector

Write a Vector class that represents a two-dimensional vector $\vec{v} = \left<x, y\right>$. Include the following:

  • private double member variables for $x$ and $y$
  • public constructor taking $x$ and $y$ as input
  • public accessor functions for $x$ and $y$
  • public member function that returns the magnitude of the vector
  • public member function that returns the direction of the vector (Note: this is a little tricky in general because you need to use atan() and check the quadrant. Fortunately, the Java Math class includes a convenient function atan2(y, x) that does this check for you. Note that y comes before x.)
  • public member function that adds another vector to this one (like +=): public void add(Vector u)
  • public member function that multiplies this vector by a scalar (like *=): public void scalarMultiply(double k)
  • public member function that computes and returns the dot product of this vector with another vector: public double dotProduct(Vector u)
  • public member function that calculates the angle between this and another vector: public double angle(Vector u) Hint: Use what you know from pre-calculus, together with Math.acos() and the dotProduct and magnitude functions above.

And yes, you guessed it, make sure to write a test class to verify that your functions are all doing what they’re supposed to be doing.

Note: The Unit 5 Quiz will consist of writing a class (but shorter than these exercises, and no test class). You will be responsible for writing the full class declaration, including proper declaration of member variables and methods (including constructors).