Click to start music, click again to switch to microphone.

This is actually a p5 version of the Processing sketch below. One slight difference: the web version uses mouse / touch where the Processing version uses key presses. I used my processing-p5-convert converter, followed by some manual changes due to differences between the Sound libraries of Processing and p5.

Some things to note about this example:

  • ParticleGenerator is a separate class, with setPosition() and display() functions
  • audio input can come from a music file or from the microphone
  • the audio input is connected to an Amplitude object
  • in draw():
    • get the current audio level from the Amplitude object (between 0 and 1)
    • use the audio level when we draw to screen:
      • audio level is shown as a rectangle on the left side
      • ParticleGenerator display() uses the audio level to change the face size and the particle rate
// hello_sound

import processing.sound.*;

AudioIn microphone;
SoundFile file;
Amplitude amp;

ParticleGenerator particleGenerator;
boolean showLevel = true;

void setup() 
    size(800, 800);

    microphone = new AudioIn(this, 0);

    file = new SoundFile(this, "deeper_understanding_60.mp3");;

    amp = new Amplitude(this);

    particleGenerator = new ParticleGenerator();

void draw() 

    float level = amp.analyze();

    if (showLevel)
        rect(0, height*(1-level), 50, height*(1-level));

    particleGenerator.setPosition(mouseX, mouseY);

void keyPressed()
    if (key == 'l')
        showLevel = !showLevel;
        particleGenerator.displayParticleCount = !particleGenerator.displayParticleCount;
    else if (key == 'f')
    else if (key == 'm')

hello_sound (zip)

In case you’re curious, the music track Deeper Understanding is one of several tracks from SistaSara released with a Creative Commons license.