
I teach math and computer science at Marlborough School, an independent girls school in Los Angeles. My daily work depends heavily on many free and open source projects.

In the classroom I use free and open source software and open textbooks.


  • Linux: free operating system, not only for desktop and laptop computers, but for mini-computers like the Raspberry Pi.

  • Vim: text editor

  • Markdown and LaTeX for authoring and typesetting mathematics

  • Pandoc and JupyterBook for Markdown -> HTML/PDF conversion

  • OBS Studio: video recording and streaming

  • VLC: media player


  • Wikipedia: free content delivered by free software

  • GitHub: software repository for many free and open source projects

Computer Science curriculum:

  • Atom: text editor

  • Processing: simplified Java language and development environment, great for learning coding

  • Python: another great language for learning coding

  • OpenJDK and AdoptOpenJDK: free Java Development Kit

  • Homebrew: package manager for OSX

My classes:

About these pages#

This site is hosted on GitHub Pages. The pages are written in Markdown and converted to HTML (previously with the static site generator Jekyll, currently with JupyterBook).

And here is the source code for these pages on GitHub.


Dr. Darren Kessner
Mathematics and Computer Science Instructor
STEM+ Program Co-Head
Marlborough STEM+ Program

Marlborough School
Los Angeles, California
Marlborough School