Unit 11 Assignment#


Code exercises#


Suppose you are given a Vehicle interface:

public interface Vehicle
    public String name();
    public int wheelCount();
    public boolean isHumanPowered();

Write the following concrete classes implementing the Vehicle interface: Car, Motorcycle, Bicycle, Unicycle

Write a VehicleTest class to show that your classes are behaving properly. A simple test is sufficient: create an ArrayList of various Vehicle objects and iterate through it, printing info about each object.

Write a VehicleStats class that calculates various things about a list of Vehicle objects. Include these functions:

  • a function that takes an ArrayList of Vehicle objects and computes the total number of wheels

  • a function that takes an ArrayList of Vehicle objects as input, and returns an ArrayList of Vehicle objects representing those vehicles that are human-powered.

Write tests for your VehicleStats functions to demonstrate that they are returning the expected things.


Write a class Animal. You should include:

  • private member variables for the name (String), leg count (int), furriness (boolean)

  • a constructor that sets these member variables

  • public accessor functions for the member variables

Write four subclasses of Animal (for example: Human, Cat, Sponge, Centipede). Note that your subclass constructors will need to call the Animal constructor using super().

Write some test code to show your subclasses all behave properly.

Write a class AnimalCalculator that calculates various things about a list of Animal objects. Include these functions:

  • a function that takes an ArrayList of Animal objects as input, and prints the name, number of legs, and “furry” or “not furry” (returns nothing)

  • a function that takes an ArrayList of Animal objects as input, and returns the average number of legs

  • a function that takes an ArrayList of Animal objects as input, and returns the Animal object with the fewest legs

Write unit tests for all AnimalCalculator functions that return a value, to demonstrate that the functions are working correctly. These tests can be written in the AnimalCalculator class, or in an external AnimalCalculatorTest class.