Unit 13 Assignment#

Code exercises#

Make sure to write test code (not necessarily full unit tests) to make sure your functions are behaving properly.


a. Write a Shape class, with private variables for name and number of sides, constructor, and accessor functions.

b. Write a ShapeCollection class, which has a private ArrayList of Shape objects. Include the following:

  • a function to add a shape to the collection

  • a function that takes a shape name as input, looks up the shape object by name, and returns the number of sides of the named shape:

        int numberOfSides(String shapeName)

  • a function that returns the average number of sides of the shapes in the collection

  • a function that returns an ArrayList of the shapes with an even number of sides


a. Write a Student class, with private variables for name and favorite number (integer), including constructor and accessor functions.

b) Write a Teacher class, with private variables for name and subject, including constructor and accessor functions.

c) Write a class AcademicClass, representing a course you take in school. The AcademicClass should have a private variable for the teacher, and a private ArrayList of students. Either include the teacher in the constructor or write a setTeacher() function. Also include the following:

  • a function to add a student to the list

  • a function that prints info about the class (i.e print the teacher and all student names.

  • a function that takes a single integer n as input and returns an ArrayList of the names of the students whose favorite number is n

  • a function that returns an ArrayList of the names of the students whose favorite number is odd