Processing Examples


About these pages

The examples are written in Processing, which is an open source language and development environment used by students and artists worldwide. Processing is a simplified version of Java: the syntax that you learn in Processing is actually Java syntax, and as you learn to code, most languages in the C/C++ family (of which Java is a member) will start to look familiar to you.

This site is hosted on GitHub Pages. The pages are written in Markdown which GitHub converts to HTML with the static site generator Jekyll. The style sheets are based on the Jekyll hacker theme. The Processing sketches are converted to Javascript with processing-p5-convert and are running as p5.js sketches.

You can copy or download the code on each example page. And here is the source code on GitHub.


Dr. Darren Kessner
Mathematics and Computer Science Instructor
STEM+ Program Co-Head

Marlborough STEM+ Program
Marlborough School